Our Little Thinkers Nursery (9 months - 2 years) is now open. Click HERE for more details.
At Kings Ash Academy we provide a modern, relevant and intellectually challenging history curriculum that also makes meaningful and rigorous links to other subjects. In EYFS we plan experiences within ‘past and present’ as well as ‘people, culture and communities’ to ensure children are ready for the history curriculum in year 1. We follow the Connected History curriculum which supports children’s deeper understanding and retention with enquiry-based approaches to history lessons and sequences. The scheme includes units that look at the history of the children’s own locality in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. This will provide all children with meaningful learning experiences that contribute to their cultural capital and understanding of the wider world through the contexts of their own locality.
Learning objectives are outcome focused and progressively more challenging for Years 1–6 and reflect what it means for a pupil to get better at history. They recognise that whilst it is important for pupils to increase and extend their knowledge of the subject, it is also vital that they make connections between their learning in order to develop the concepts and skills of young historians.
Connected History recognises that increasing mastery of the subject occurs as a result of a pupil combining the application of key subject skills, processes and subject vocabulary with the development of knowledge and understanding. These are interdependent components of a pupil developing the attributes of a young historian.