Our Little Thinkers Nursery (9 months - 2 years) is now open. Click HERE for more details.


What will be posted on Seesaw?

  • Photos and videos from your child’s class
  • Examples of your child’s work
  • Messages from the class teacher
  • Useful links to websites to support learning
  • Reminders of tasks for home learning during any time away from school due to self isolation
  • Links to Google Classroom activities Some messages or pictures will go to just your child’s account, others may go to the whole class.

How do I use Seesaw?

Once you are set up and logged in on the app on your Smartphone or tablet device, you will see a stream of pictures and messages-just like the timeline on Facebook! You will be able to comment on your child’s pictures and work.

How do I get started?

  • Complete the very short Google form that has been emailed to you from school to give permission for a Seesaw account to be set up for you
  • Go to your app store and search for Seesaw Family. Install the free app on your smartphone or other device
  •  School will send you login details for your personal Seesaw account

Who can see my child’s Seesaw account?

Up to 10 family members can sign in to view your child’s Seesaw account so all the family can keep up to date with what your child is doing at school. Only people you trust and know should be given the opportunity to view your child’s account

How is my child’s information kept safe?

The app needs your child’s name in order for an account to be created. Seesaw only uses this information to provide the service and doesn’t advertise in Seesaw, create profiles of students, or share or sell your child’s personal information or journal content.

You can read more about their strong privacy promises here:https://web.seesaw.me/privacy.

Under an EU law called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in order for your child to use Seesaw, we must get your consent.

For more information on GDPR, please visit https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rights-citizens.

There may be occasions when group photos, videos, work, drawings and voice recordings are shared with multiple parents from the class. If this is the case we will default to our internet consent permissions, for example, if we do not have your permission to post media online we will also not publish media within Seesaw.

Please remember to:

  • Complete the Google permission form that has been emailed to you
  • Download the Seesaw Family app to your phone or tablet
  • Look out for your login information letter from school

We hope that your child and your family will enjoy using Seesaw to document and share their learning this year. If you have any questions about Seesaw, please contact the school.