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Year 6 have been looking at celebrating diversity through artwork.  We enjoyed sharing a range of diversity art and discussing what they represent. We used these as inspiration to create our own pieces of diversity art.


PCSA Literacy project:

Year 10 students from PCSA have joined Year 6 to help us with a Literacy project. We have focused our project around ‘Treasure Island’. The PCSA students have helped us to read the text and to discuss what the characters are thinking and feeling. Over the next few weeks, we will be working together to create a piece of writing around ‘Treasure island’


Harvest canvases:

Mrs Franklin set us a challenge of creating some art work to represent different values to be shared during our Harvest assembly. 6LE were given the values of ‘life’ and ‘love’. Coby helped to create the ‘life’ artwork. He decided to draw a picture of a plant with the word ‘life’ growing from the branches. Keryn helped to create the ‘love’ artwork. She wanted to incorporate different types of hearts in her drawing to represent and celebrate that all of us are different but we should be loved all the same.



In Maths we have been focusing on fractions. We’ve learnt how to add and subtract, multiply and divide fractions. We’ve worked hard to use our growth mindset of resilience and determination to help us solve some mastery fraction work.



In PSHE we have been focusing on ‘responsibility.’ In particular, who is responsible for climate change and what impact this has for wildlife. We created a mind map to describe what climate change is and drew pictures to show the impact it has on wildlife


Trip to Paignton Picture House

6LE visited Paignton Picture House to learn about the local area. We listened to descriptions about the old theatre and imagined what it used to be like.



In RE, we have been learning about Judaism. We focused on Moses and the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. In groups, we acted out the ten plagues. We have also learnt about the celebration of Passover and drew pictures of the Sedar Plate of food Jewish people eat during this festival.



In 6LE, we are exploring the text “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl.  We enjoyed reading in groups to share a synopsis of each chapter to the rest of the class.  We found out that using lots of descriptive words helps us have a better understanding of what the writer is telling us.

Class 6LE carried out an extreme reading activity around the school. We felt this was a fun and exciting way to read a story. The children read in a variety of indoor and outdoor places which added to their enjoyment of reading.